Are You Dealing With Hidden Anxiety, Self-Doubt, and Gender Bias? You May Be Thinking…

If others see me as successful, why I am this unsatisfied?
• If I’m this burned out, how can I continue leading effectively?
• How can I take care of myself with all these demands?
• How can I bring my feminine energy into a masculine world?

Not sure coaching is for you?

No problem. I offer a FREE 60 minute Discovery Call so that you get a taste of what coaching or consulting with me is like.

Have you had enough exhaustion, worry, and conflict, leaving you in knots and feeling like you’re drowning and struggling to keep up with all the demands and expectations? Are you ready to step into a new you? Fulfilled, energized, confident, and authentic? Now’s the time to schedule your FREE Discovery Call and end the cycle of suffering.

Are you a high achieving woman who feels unseen in a masculine world, is facing conflict with your peers, or you have too much on your plate? Is your stomach, shoulders, or neck in knots? Do people around you demand too much of you, not understanding all the responsibilities you juggle? Does it feel like you can barely breathe at times? Do you feel guilty taking time for yourself?

Are you having any of these common experiences?

Struggling with being seen.

Wanting to be vulnerable and authentic but not feeling safe or connected enough.

Trouble with self-care.

You know you need self-care but you feel guilty taking the time for yourself.

Wrestling with collaboration.

You work in a masculine world but your ideas often go unheard or under valued.

Disconnected from purpose.

You don’t execute on your purpose or you can’t connect to it all anymore.

Fear of Failure.

You’ve accomplished a great deal but you still don’t fully believe in yourself.

Experiencing burnout.

The pressure is resulting in overwhelm without enough energy for your day.

Hi, I’m Karen

I’ve spent my entire career in the corporate, government, and non-profit worlds. I’ve seen first hand how we are challenged to bring more of the feminine energy into the organizational space, in facing gender bias, to be our more authentic selves, to bring our whole selves - mental, emotional, physical, spiritual - to the table, to lead with compassion and creativity instead of being solely task-driven, to effectively address the work and life overload, to take of ourselves, to stay connected to self and our purposes - professionally and personally.

I learned during my career just how difficult it is for women to thrive professionally and personally. It’s challenging to feel unseen, misunderstood, and undervalued…and not respected. It’s lonely!

My path became about breaking through my own broken patterns and lack of authenticity and well-being and then helping others do the same


Karen Windham, MBA
Coaching for High Performance Females

Have you had enough anxiety, self-doubt, and burnout leaving you exhausted, discouraged, empty, irritable and lonely? Are you ready to connect with your authentic, expansive self? Now’s the time to schedule your FREE Discovery Call and end the cycle of suffering.

When you have the right systems, strategies, and connectioN to Your inner Wisdom and Purpose…

then you are able to access your resourcefulness, resilience, courage, and confidence; leading to more ease, flow, and meaning in the midst of all of the collective chaos.

My clients, who are high achieving women, enroll in my program because they are burned out from trying to thrive in a masculine world. They feel tremendous pressure to be all things to all people or have sacrificed their personal lives for their professional lives. They have hidden their truer, more authentic selves and now feel the disconnect from themselves and their purpose. They face gender bias from their teams, their colleagues, and their peers.

They experience depression, anxiety, confusion, and exhaustion. They are filled with uncertainty and sometimes lack of purpose. They have lost confidence in leading their teams. They can’t identify a map or path for the way forward.

Would You Like to:

Be less guarded?

You show people who you truly are with authenticity.

Have Quality Time Available?

You are able to take that vacation or spend time with your friends, family, and hobbies.

Lead and Collaborate Effectively?

You inspire and motivate with your presence, strength, and balance.

Live from a compelling purpose?

You are more fulfilled and clear about the difference you make in the world.

Take action with self-confidence?

You are motivated by the belief that you can achieve your desired outcomes.

Have more energy and vitality?

You are engaged, productive, and flowing in each day with purpose and connection.

How Coaching Works

First: I help you identify what your big vision is for yourself. We get crystal clear about your desired outcomes and we begin identifying your next steps. This clarity guides us throughout our work together and gives you the traction you need to start strong and stay the course.

Second: We flesh out your next steps and look at what is blocking you from realizing your big vision, why tools and techniques alone haven't helped you reach your goals consistently, and what understanding you need in order to move toward your desired outcomes with ease and clarity.

Third: As you come to understand how the mind and soul work, you close the gap between your desired outcomes and where you are now. You begin to embody the changes you desire, with less effort, and you find your big vision becoming reality with consistency, ease, and flow.

If you are tired of carrying the burden of being female in a masculine world? Are you ready to find more fulfillment in the midst of your success and thrive rather than merely going through the motion, day in and day out? Then schedule your FREE Discovery Call today.

A Word about Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are core values in my life and work. I acknowledge and embrace all types of diversity including ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, and abilities.

I honor the strength, creativity, and power that come from experiencing different viewpoints, backgrounds, and cultures. I welcome the opportunity to grow in understanding and awareness.

I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge: please hold me accountable.